Since I haven't had the time to take any photos I decided to publish some of my old ones. I took these last october so you may have already seen some of them, so it might not be as interesting.. but bear with me, I'll try to organize some new shoots as soon as possible. But hope you enjoy and be sure to tell me what you think! :)
(I used CanonEOS 400D, 50mm lens and tripod for the pictures; for the lighting: some ordinary table lamps.)
Bitter-sweet 20 !!!!!!!1 booyah! I wanted to thank everyone for your lovely wishes and all the chocolates and presents and songs and hugs and all that fun jazz! Oh I'm so happy. So I'm just gonna share some of the photos I took today, I hope you enjoy and have a good one, I'm off to finish meh cake! (ps! My mom makes the most gorgeous and delicious cakes ever!)
Spark like empty lighters.
I'm also posting some self-portraits taken this summer, for a little sense of perspective - it's interesting to see how different from now I was even back then. And be nostalgic that those happy, I'm-19-and-invincible!-times are over. For styling I just used ribbons and some flowers from my backyard.
(I used CanonEOS 400D, 50mm lens, tripod and Canon controller RC-1 for the pictures)
Sorry for the lack of posts lately - I'm still a busy-busy-little bee and it seems that it's not going to get easier any time soon. So bear with me :)
Anyways.. here are some pictures I took during this week. We had an eyeopening assignment in drawing class - analytical cubism. And it made me remember how a few years back I was looking at some of the paintings by Picasso and wondering why the hell is this guy so famous - I mean, I could do that, it's just a bunch of squares. Oh boy, was I wrong or was I wrong. I have to admit - it was one of the most challenging things I've had to do so far. Enjoy the pictures, and be sure to tell me what you think!
So.. I'm wearing my selfmade lace skirt, skinny belt from terranova, oversized tee from Lindex, coat from Vero-Moda, bag from House, cameo brooch from Hilpharakas, thrifted earrings and a scarf that belongs to my mom.
Home sweet home..
..aka - more work! My walls are covered with sticky notes telling me to do things that should have been done yesterday and all the corners are full of unfinished projects. But it's all good. You know.. chill as a cucumber.
(I used Canon EOS400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
Since it was so nice and sunny today, me and T'ri went to Variku forest and photographed a tiny part of my new collection, which is going to be available at my store very-very soon. So I'm wearing my selfmade lace dress and pearled hoodie-scarf - it's actually not ready yet, because it's taking me forever to sew on all the pearls - so once it's finished, it's going to be covered with pearl details. I'm also going to have a lot of new skirts, and unisex scarves available (so if there are any boys reading this blog - yay for you!), I'll try to add some dresses aswell, hopefully I'll have everything up and finished by the time I turn 20. Yes my friends.. I'm old :D It's my birthday on 19th and I'll be leaving my teenage years behind. But on to the serious stuff - I really feel that I need to apologize to everyone who has sent me e-mails during these past two weeks, I've been so very busy that I haven't had the time to answer any of them. I'm so sorry, but I'm doing my very best and I'll try to answer them as soon as I can. In the meanwhile you can enjoy these pictures, you can also find this look on lookbook HERE. Hope you like it and be sure to tell me what you think! :) Oh, and i keep forgetting to mention that I had a tiny feature in an online magazine You can find the interview HERE.
( I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures )
Marina & the Diamonds - Numb
The weather has been so perfect these past few days - warm and sunny, and now that it's autumn the trees are changing color and everything is just so magical. So Annu and me got together a few days back and were faced with the challenge of styling two very overwhelmingly colorful and fun shirts for a korean fashion site (click here). It was a lot of fun and I think we did just fine. Oh, and don't mind the silly little clip. We also did some filming, mainly to help out a sweet Portuguese girl, who asked me to help out with their school election. We filmed a dozen different clips, each more ridiculous than the previous. But we had a blast and I hope it makes you giggle. Be sure to tell me what you think, enjoy ! :)
(I used CanonEOS 400D, 50mm lens, tripod and Canon controller RC1 for the pictures)
Music: Joyce Jonathan-L'heure avait sonné.