Just a quick outfit/work/inspiration/school-post for you guys. Haha long time no see, right? I'm so sorry about that, but my life has been so hectic these past few weeks. Long story short - I'm flying to portugal next week, to take part in Euroskills competition, where I'm going to be the graphic designer for estonias crossmedia publishing team. So I've been preparing for this event night and day! It's pretty much like the Olympics of graphic design.. so yeah - muy importante!
I've also been working my tiny-hiny off to prepare some new pieces for an art exhibition that me and my classmates as this years graduates are oganizing. The opening will be on december second, so hopefully I'll be able to finish my work by then.
Anyway here are some photographs for you guys - hope you like'em and be sure to tell me what you think :)
Art school nerds!

Coffee break!

No rest for the wicked!

(I used Canon EOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
Ladytron - Destroy everything you touch.