Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'll get a coffee and the paper, have my own conversations.

Again a rather quick and somewhat random post. Just some photographs I took during this week, nothing special. Aaah I'm so tired because some genius in our dorm has decided to declare war and finds that it is funny to switch the fire alarm thingy on and off in the mornings. So my head hurts and my stomach growling.. and I just remembered that I don't have any milk left for coffee. Life is swell. But on the other hand, my new illustration is out and I just got two more stories to illustrate for the October issue, so it will be a busy month for me. yay! So I do hope you like the pictures and I'll list everything down below, oh and don't forget to tell me what you think :)

Heihops, jällegi üks kiire postitus. Mõned hetked siit ja sealt, mis ma selle nädala jooksul üldse suutsin pildistada. Istun praegu ülikooli raamatukogus ja valutan pead - nimelt keegi inimeseloom ühikast on endale aruks võtnud, et anarhia on meie sõber ja otsustanud tuletõrjealarmiga hommikuvõimlemist tegema hakata. No tore, kõht ka koriseb.. ja just meenust et pole kohvi peale piima panna. Elu on lill. Aga häid uudiseid on ka, nimelt Annul läheb hästi seal kaugel-kaugel, uus illustrastioon on juba ilmunud ja poelettidel ning kaks uut lugu ootavad illustreerimist. Tõotab tulla töine kuu! jeje! Aga olge tublid, mu hiirekesed, ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad!

(I used CanonEOS 400d, 50mm lens and Canon controller RC1 for the photographs)
( The gorgeous doublechain feather ring is from, she has some amazing jewellery so definately check out her wesite, the catear ring is from, the belt is from and earrings are from Accessorize.
French Films - Take You With Me

Monday, August 29, 2011

First born unicorn.

Just a quick outfit post and as promised an illustration to go with it. I still don't have any internet in my dorm so posting is such a hassle but hopefully I'll get everything sorted out soon. But enjoy the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :) You can aslo find this outfit on lookbook HERE.

Heihopsti! Ühikas endiselt netti pole.. ja seega istun ma praegu siin Mandariinis ja söön paljast riisi.. just nimelt - tavalist valget riisi. Mis teha.. vaese tudengi elu ei peagi alati lill olema. Vähemalt on siin enamvähem kiire internet woopadii! Aga olge tublid, mu hiirekesed, ja ma loodan, et pildi meeldivad! Lookbooki saab piiluda SIIT.

(Used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
(Hoodie scarf from Reserved, tiger print sweater from Felicee, tutu skirt from H&M)
Rubik - Death March (In Octaves)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

And we shed what was left of our summer skin.

This post has a sense of melancholy - it is a sort of farewell to my lovely hometown Tartu. I will miss it immensely, although I know I will be visiting as often as I can. I will also be saying good-bye to Annu, who has been my best friend for 14 years now. These photos are from a few days back when Annu and I did what we've been doing for years - we got ourvselves a cup of coffee, went to our favorite park, did some people watching and talked for hours. I know this is something we won't be able to do for a while now, but I've decided not to be sad about any of it because both Annu and I will be doing what we love and I believe that Tallinn has a lot to offer to me. But the exciting part is that I've already started moving and will soon be all settled in. I still have a couple of more suitcases to bring over and, oh yeah, I also need a carpet, and a lamp and a pillow... Riiight. But I hope you guys are enjoying the last few weeks of summer, enjoy the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think! :)

Heihop! Idee poolest peaks see olema minu kurb hüvastijätt Tartuga ja ühtlasi ka Annuga, kellega me oleme juba 14 aastat olnud nagu sukk ja saabas, aga vapper väike sõdalane nagu ma olen, leian, et sellest olukorrast tuleks pigem rõõmu tunda. Ma tean, et me mõlemad läheme sinna, kuhu me oleme alati tahtnud minna ja saame teha asju, mida me oleme tahtnud teha juba pikka aega. Need pildid teingi paar päeva tagasi, kui me Annuga kordasime oma põhirutiini, mida me oleme teinud juba aastaid, ehk siis võtsime mõnusa tassikese piparmündi-jääkohvi, läksime istusime Barclay parki, jälgisime inimesi ja rääkisime kõigest ja mittemillestki. Aga kolimine sujub, paar kohvritäit asju veel ja noh.. mmm vaip ja.. lamp.. ja padi. Ohwell.. aga olge tublid, mu hiirekesed, ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad! :)

( I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
Jacket, necklace, bag and explosion print tee from Romwe.
Death Cab For Cutie - Summer Skin

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Something about those bright colors, would always make you feel better.

I've noticed that I don't really draw that much anymore - not for fun at least. When I do something it's usually for school or for work.. and I've almost forgotten how enjoyable and relaxing it can be. So I've decided to give myself a little bit of a challenge. I'm going to try to do an illustration every time I post an outfit. Hopefully I can keep it up.. and hopefully you'll enjoy them too. You can also find this outfit on lookbook HERE. Well I hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Olen viimasel ajal tähele pannud, et kui mul pliiats käes on, siis on see tavaliselt kas kooli või töö pärast, mis on veider.. sest mingi hetk möödus iga mu vaba hetk joonistades või niisama kritseldades, aga ju siis kindlad ülesanded ja tähtajad - eriti kool, tapavad igasuguse töögruuvi ja lämmatavad vähimagi tahtmise üldse pliiatsit näperdada. Niisiis otsustasin asja käsile võtta ja hakata iga postituse juurde väikeseid illustratsioone tegema! Novot, challenge accepted ja nii hakkabki olema! Siin on siis esimene katsetus, mille võib leida ka lookbookist SIIT. Aga olge tublid mu hiirekes ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad! :)

(I used CanonEOS 400D, 50mm lens and Canon controller RC1 for the photographs/ Pencils 2B and 3B, pen, ink, watercolors and PhotoshopCS3 for the illustrations )
Bright Eyes - Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh