Sunday, March 31, 2013

Something about those bright colors, would always make you feel better.

And again it's been way too long since my last post. But in all honesty, my mind has just been somewhere else. Earlier this this week I learned that my little puppy is very sick, that she has tumors that are fatal for such a small little dog. Despite all that, she had an operation yesterday that she somehow survived. Hurray! But the hardest part is yet to come. So send in all your best wishes for my little Nossmon. But even if something goes wrong, and I don't make it back in time to give her one last pat on the back, I'm happy. Because before I left I told her that she is a good-good dog. The best. And that she is my best friend. In response she of course tried to bite my nose, but I think she understood. So here's a selection of photographs, that might be way too pink and sugary for some of you. But you know what you have to do when life gives you lemons, right? So I'm going to let you enjoy this sugar coated lemonade and wish you Happy Easter! :)

Ja jälle on viimasest postitusest juba liiga palju aega möödas. Kui aus olla, siis on tegelikult mõtted saja muu asjaga hõivatud olnud. Sain nädala alguses teada, et minu väikene tiigrike on väga haige, et tal on kõhu all koledad kasvajad, mis sellise väikese koerakese jaoks on juba liiga-liiga suured. Eile käis karvapall siiski operatsioonil, mille ta ime läbi ka üle elas, aga eks kõige raskem osa on veel ees. Nii et pange oma head soovid teele. Ja isegi kui midagi peaks nihu minema, ja ma ei jõua enne koju, et talle veel üks suur-suur kiisupai teha, siis on tegelikult minu süda rahul. Sest enne kui ma raske südamega rongi peale läksin, ütlesin ma Nossule, et ta on üks hea-hea koer. Kõige parem. Ja et ta on minu parim sõber. Selle peale üritas ta muidugi mu nina hammustada, aga ma usun, et ta sai aru küll. Ja nüüd on teie ees väike valik pildikesi, mis on kindlasti paljudele nagu banaaninäts palavas bussis, ehk veidi liiga lääged, aga kui elu pillub sidruneid, siis ei jää muud midagi üle kui suhkurt peale raputada ja need kasvõi läbi pisarate nahka pista! Lillekroonike on üks imearmas kingitus, millele ma veidi teistmoodi rakenduse olin sunnitud leidma, et mitte tuule käest peksa saada. Igaljuhul soovin teile tibumehmeid pühi ja nagu ikka, olge tublid, mu hiirekesed! :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D, 50mm lens and Canon controller RC-1 for the photographs)
(floral headband H.V.Varavin, jacket, skirt is selfmade, blouse, watch New Yorker, boots
Grizzly Bear-Boy From School

Friday, March 22, 2013

To drown in a bleached denim sea.

One might hope that these pictures will be the last ones, where there's three feet of snow and ice behind me but after literally skating home from the train station last night I've given up on that. But not that I'm complaining, as I've mentioned this before, it seems that I was a penguin or a polar bear or a snowflake in my pervious life, because this is the climate I feel most at home. So here are some icy photographs for you to enjoy. I had some denim fabric left so I played around with some bleach and tulle and got a surprisingly fresh looking result and all you need is a handful of patience. I made the braided scarf about two years ago, so it's a bit raggedy, but still going strong. Hurray, but I hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Võiks ju loota, et need pildid jäävad viimasteks, kus seljataga laiuvad lumevallid ja õhus on külmakraade rohkem kui üks, aga eile rongijaamast koju uisutades suri ka see viimane lootusekiir. Vot, aga tegelikult ma ei nurise sest nagu ma juba vist korduvalt maininud olen, siis tundub, et eelmises elus olin ma pingviin või jääkaru või lumehelves, sest just sellises kliimas tunnen ma ennast kõige kodusemalt. Vot ja nüüd ongi teie ees ühed jäised pildikesed, mis tegelikult juba päris pikka aega postitamist ootavad. Salli nikerdasin umbes kaks aastat tagasi ja seelik valmis katse-eksitus meetodil. Vaja läks vaid natuke teksat ja tülli, veidi valgendajat ja peotäis kannatust. Tulemus tuli üllatavalt muhe ja nüüd on juba üks väike suvine kleidike pangis valmimas. Lasengi teid nüüd pilte uudistama ja nagu ikka, olge tublid mu hiirekesed! :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(bleached denim skirt and scarf - selfmade, sweater from, boots from
Twin Shadow - Castles In The Snow

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Her dirty paws and furry coat.

Just a quick outfit post inspired by the ever so lovely Of Monsters and Men and their song Dirty Paws. I actually took these photos over a month ago, but I never got around to posting them. But here they are now, and since I have tons of (school)work to do and I've been so utterly useless during the weekend then I'm just going to wrap it up and and just let you enjoy the pictures now. I hope you like them and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Üks nobe postitus siia pühapäevaõhtusse, mis on suuresti inspireeritud Of Monsters and Men'i imeliselt laulukesest Dirty Paws. Postitus ise on küll üks suur segapundar vanadest ja veel vanematest fotodest, aga loodetavasti ajavad asja ära. Ja kuna mul on lademetes kooli- ja muidu tööd siin tegemist ootamas, siis lasengi teid kohe pilte uudistama. Loodetavasti tuleb varsti mingi kergem hetk, kus saan veidi hinge tõmmata ja natuke oma tegemisi teha ja nendest ka teile jutustada. Seni, aga olge ikka tublid, mu hiirekesed, ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad. :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(parka and blouse from skirt, necklace and sweater from
Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws