Sunday, September 8, 2013

Always time for another last minute / GIVEAWAY

What better way to kick off this fabulous month of September than with a little giveaway. I feel like it's long overdue and besides the fact that I've been a pretty useless blogger for the past few months, there's no denying that you guys are still the most awesome bunch of people I could ever hope for! So I decided to whip up a these little bits a bobs that I think you might enjoy. So these delicious pastel watches and my illustrated mugs are now looking for a new home. Just scroll down for all the lovely details. And as some of you may already know I am writing this post from the beautiful city of Reykjavik, it's my third week here in Iceland, and my second week in the Academy of Arts, so busy would be an understatement. I know you're all eagerly waiting for me post something Icelandic, but you're just going to have to wait a teeny bit longer.It got so hectic right before I left and I still need to post my little good-byes to my sweet hometown. However I am constantly updating my Facebook page, so if you're as impatient as I think you are, than just go like and follow. But in the meanwhile I hope you enjoy the pictures and make sure to take part of the giveaway! :)

Sügis on jälle ukse ette veerenud ja ei ole vist olemas muhedamat aega välja kuulutamaks üks väike kingiloos. Blogijana olen ma küll viimastel kuudel mõõdukalt kasutu olnud, aga see ei muuda fakti, et teie, mu armsad lugejad, olete ühed ütlemata pehmed kiisud. Ja nagu pehmetele kiisudele kohane - üks suur litsuv pai peanupukesele ja tagasihoidlik peotäis toredaid vidinaid. Niisiis ootavadki need pastelsed käekellad ja minu illustreeritud tassikesed omale armsaid uusi omanikke. Kõik vajalik info edukaks adopteerimiseks on kirjas postituse all. Ja nagu enamus teist juba teavad, siis kirjutan seda sissekannet imeilusast Reykjavikist. Tiksumas on juba kolmas nädal siin, millest kaks olen veetnud Islandi Kunstiakadeemia koridorides ekseldes. Tööd on kuhjaga ja ei ole just kõige kergem.Kohukest igatsen kaa... Tean-tean, et enamus teist ootavad õhinaga islandi postitusi, mina ise kaasa arvatud, aga tuleb veel õige pisut kannatada. Enne minekut läks mul nii kiireks, et jäi avaldamata minu väikesed hüvastijätud kõige musimate Tartu nurgakestega. Sellegipoolest võib alati blogi facebooki lehte piilumas käia, üritan sinna ikka usinasti igasugu killukesi üles riputada. Vot, aga lasengi teid nüüd pilte uudistama, võtke kindlasti loosimisest osa ja olge ikka tublid hiirekesed :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs, PS CS3 for the illustration)
(Golden hair bow and necklace from , denim shirt from Reserved, belt is vintage)
Josh Record - The War
Three simple steps to enter the giveaway:

1.Like on Facebook: HERE.
2.Show your support and share the love: HERE
3. Leave a comment either under this post or under the poster HERE - along with your e-mail address and color preference.
4.This is completely optional, but if you leave ma comment telling me what you like or don't like about my blog or whatever you might have in mind, than you will also have a chance to win an illustrated mug as special little treat. :)

I will use to determine two of the winners.
And then go trough all of the comments and personally pick the remaining two winners for the mug&watch combo!
Good luck!