Sunday, November 24, 2013

Go with the crazy. / Lucky winners!

And finally the winners of the giveaway! But before I start dropping names I just want to say how incredibly happy I am to have such amazing readers. When I started this blogging madness four years ago I would have never imagined that such lovely little creatures would find their way here. And if I weren't such a socially awkward penguin I would ask you all out for some coffee and cake and whatnot. But long story short the lucky winners are Merit Pindis and Emőke Kádár. And my personal picks:  Marija, Janeli Harjus and Grete Kikas. A big thank you to all of you who took the time to write down the softest of words and leave them in the comments for me to find. I actually had a whole list of names written down, that I wanted to give a personal shout-out to, but I've somehow managed to lose the darn thing and going over the comments again would seem like too big of a treat for my lazy ass, so let's just let this one slide. Hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Ja nüüd lõpuks-lõpuks ka kingiloosi võitjad. Aga enne kui ma siin nimesid pillama hakkan, mainiks ikka ära, et kui äärmisel õnnelik ja tänulik ma olen oma armsate lugejate üle. Kui ma 4 aastat tagasi selle väikese blogiseikluse siin ette võtsin, siis küll ei osanud arvata,et nii palju imelisi käpalisi oma tee siia leiab. Kui ma poleks selline socially awkward penguin, siis kutsuks teid kõiki väikesele kohvile-koogile ja jutustaks maailma asjadest. Loosiõnn naeratas Merit Pindisele, Emőke Kádárile. Ja nüüd need kiisud, kelle isiklikult välja valisin: Marija, Janeli Harjus ja Grete Kikas.  Pai-pai ja üks rasvane musi kõigile, kes võtsid aega, et miskid imepehmed sõnad mulle kommentaaridesse poetada. Tegelikult oli mul terve hunnik nimesid kirja pandud, keda ma tahtsin veel tänada, aga kuna ma olen selle kuskile maailmaavarustesse ära kaotanud ja kommentaaride uuesti lugemine tunduks nagu liigse enesepremeerimisena, siis las ta jääb. Olge tublid mu hiirekesed! :)

(I used CanonEOS 600d and 50mm lens for the photographs, markers for the illustration)
(watch from, beanie from, T-shirt from the fleamarket)
The xx - Crystalised

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

King of all the wild.

“And Max, the king of all wild things, was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all.”
― Maurice Sendak
(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(knitted sweater, clip-in extensions from
The Parting Glass