Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Young blood / MPT behind the scenes II

Shabang and finally the second part of the gorgeous FPD poster shoot morning. I love it when I get to spy on some beautiful humans and capture them in their natural habitat. I seem to have this new found respect for all kinds of 'behind the scenes' moments. All the action and hard work - oh so inspiring! All that's left now is to pack up my camera and wait until Saturday to see the whole thing play out in the Old Anatomical Theater. Hope you like the photographs  and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Shabang, lõpuks ometi on valmis ka teine osa minu spioonimisest. Käisin ja jäädvustasin MPT plakatipildistamise telgitaguseid ja püüdsin pildile kõige pehmemad hetked. Siinkohal mainiks ka ära, millist piiritut sümpaatiat ma igasuguse lava-, telgi- ja muude taguste vastu tunnen. Ilusad inimesed tegemas ilusaid asju, ei ole midagi inspireerivamat! Ja nüüd ei jäägi muud üle kui laupäevani oodata ja semudega kella kaheksaks Tartu Vanasse Anatoomikumi koguneda! Ja kui keegi pole veel otsustanud, kas tulla või mitte, siis hops-hops SIIA lisainfot uudistama. Seniks olge ikka tublid hiirekesed, ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad. :)

Behind the scenes photos&video : Kerti Pahk
Potographer: Hanna Odras / hannaodras.com/
Graphic design: Ipi Ilves / ipiilves.blogspot.com/
Make-up: Kadi Andrei (The Body Shop)
Stylist: Belliisi Seenemaa
Model: Minna-Mari Salm
Clothes: Crystal Rabbit

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
The Naked and Famous - Young Blood (Renholdër Remix)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Soft and sweet

These past few days have rolled by in a bit of blur. We had to say goodbye to our furry little friend who had been fighting through an illness for the past month or so. It seems however that some battles are not meant to be won. And it doesn't help that I'm such a softie when it comes to animals, so losses like this really hit me hard. But whether I like it or not, this is how life is sometimes, and I've learned that the best way to get over something like this is to keep busy. So I've put together a little selection of some lovely moments over the past few weeks. I also had a little video planned, but for some reason I just couldn't get it to work, so just about when I was ready to throw my computer out the window, I decided it was not worth it. So we're just going to have to do without. Oh and I finally managed to visit the fashion exhibition "IDEA FORM" in Tallinn TV tower where my paper dress from 2012 is also featured. It really brought back some memories - aah.. all them sleepless nights. But anyway I'm going to let you enjoy the photographs now! Hope you like them and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Viimased päevad on meil siin kodus väga nukralt möödunud. Saatsime ära oma karvase tiigri, kes väga vapralt juba mitu-mitu nädalat raske haigusega kakles. Tundub aga, et mõned lahingud ei olegi võitmiseks mõeldud. Ja hellake nagu ma olen, siis sellised kaotused löövad mu ikka päris pikaks ajaks rööpast välja. Aga, et asjad päris nutuseks ei kisuks, siis üritan ennast ikka tegevuses hoida ja panin kokku mõned pehmemad hetked möödunud nädalast. Tegelikult oli mul üks väike video ka plaanitud, aga kuna flashi ja juutuubi jumalad mind ilmselgelt ei soosi, siis ei saanud ma seda korralikult tööle. Mõõdukas ikaldus. Aga see-eest jõudsin lõpuks Tallinna Teletorni IDEE VORM näitusele, kuhu ka minu paberleiutis kenasti rippuma on pandud. Tuus värk! Aga lasengi teid nüüd pilte uudistama, mis loodetavasti meeldivad, ja nagu ikka, olge tublid, mu hiirekesed! :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
David Bowie - Space oddity (feat. Kristin Wiig)