"So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of his departure drew near--
"Ah," said the fox, "I shall cry."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.
"Ah," said the fox, "I shall cry."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(Fish sweater from http://www.wildfoxcouture.co.uk/store/, jersey skirt from H&M, belt is vintage, crystal ring from ringsandtings.com, wishbone necklace is also from ringsandtings.com, oh and this amazing bike is a custom job by the ever so talented Ken Kamenjuk. Be sure to check out his other work HERE)
Ekki múkk by Nick Abrahams.