Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Define and conquer.

'It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.'
Oh and it was lovely. So here are some captured moments along with some terribly shaky and rather random footage mashed into a video just as a tiny tribute to all the little things that made my summer into what it was. Hope you like the post and don't forget to live the adventure :)

Siinkohal viskaks ka oma virtuaalkäpad püsti ja saadaks ühed pehmed kiisupaid Liisukale, Merimellile, Dianale ning kõikidele teistele ilusatele inimestele, kes selle suve minu jaoks just täpselt nii muhedaks vorpisid. Ja muidugi ka Teile, mu armsad hiirekesed, kes te ikka aeg-ajalt siia ära eksite ja ilusaid sõnu kommentaaridesse poetate. Olge te tänatud ja ärge unustage, et elu on seiklus :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs and video)
(skirt from Reserved, T-shirt Lindex, floral headband from Seppälä, bag from
music: Rubik - Karhu Junassa