Thursday, October 23, 2014

Everything is energy / Baltika Group F/W 2014

I guess it's a sad known truth by now that everything on my blog ends up here with a bit of a lag. But I feel like it doesn't matter, a story is a story and this one is about a lovely August evening when Baltika invited me to see their autumn winter collection. There was coffee and cake, beautiful people, inspiring fashion and that certain energy that you only feel when you know that you're about to see months and months of hard work play out in front of you (high five if you love that feeling!). It was about 30 degrees back then so it feels rather weird looking at these photographs when I'm sitting here in my icecold apartment wrapped in blankets and layers of clothes, but then again not as weird as it was back then - seeing the models in coats and hats walk down the runway in the kind of heat that would fry an egg inside a chicken. But the show was beautiful and I hope you like the photographs :)

See on vist juba ammu teada kurb tõde, et minu blogisse jõuab kõik üpris nukra läägiga. Aga leian, et tegelikult ei ole sellel üldse vahet ja jutustan teile siiski loo ühest augustikuu õhtupoolikust kui Baltika kutsus lahkelt külla, kostitas koogi-kohvi ja imeilusa moeshowga. Kraadid küündisid sellel hetkel veel 30 lähedale, seega on siin enda jääkülmast korterist neid pilte vaadata ja õhtut meenutada õigepisut kentsakas, kuid kindlasti mitte kentsakam kui oli too hetk mantlitesse ja mütsidesse mässitud modelle laval näha. Aga ilus oli. Meelde jäi ka. Neiu Stimmer oli minu hott deit ja Montoni kitsekleidi ja tegelikult terve kollektsiooni kohta ütleks, et ´you had me at hello´.Loodetavasti pildid meeldivad ja ikka vapralt sügisesse (ja Tallinn Fashion Weekile) mu hiirekesed!

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(white blouse H&M, bag , skirt and necklace from Reserved)
alt-J - Every Other Freckle

Sunday, October 12, 2014

First of all, it was October.

I was sitting my friends dog over the weekend, who is one charmingly handsome little fella. And so we took some handsome walks, visited some handsome parks, met some other handsome dogs and their handsome humans. And as the autumn sun filled the air with mellow warmth, painted trees with gold and yellow, I feel like everywhere we went the colors sang. I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. :)

Potter kolis nädalavahetuseks minu juurde ja nii me siis maailma vallutasimegi - park pargi haaval. Vallutamata ei jäänud ka naabritädi-onude, suvaliste inimeste, tervisesportlaste ja teiste koerajalutajate südamed. Sest noh, olgem ausad, Spot on üks maailmanägus koerahärra. Hommikuid alustasime vara ja samal ajal kui nagits lehehunnikutes koerust taga ajas, paitas sügispäike õhu soojaks. Puud kisasid kulda ja kollast ning ma sain aru, et käes on miski imeline oktoober. :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(jumper from, necklace from ebay, shirt from NewYorker)
Broken Bells-October