Friday, July 29, 2011

My breakfast at tiffany's.

" I'm going to read what I want, and listen to what I want, and I'm going to look at paintings and watch French films, and I'm gonna talk to people who know lots about lots. "

I don't know about you guys, but i sometimes get obsessed with the weirdest things.. well not weird - but just random. It can be anything - from chocolate pudding to a certain cartoon character (click!) , cute stationery or like in this case just a simple color. Can you guess what color by looking at the photographs? Well.. It's this gooooogreous blue with a teeny-tiny hint of mint. I cant get it out of my head - I love it so much, i want to paint my house and my room and everything I own this color. I think I got the 'bug' when I looking through French vogue that Annu got me from Paris. The model on the cover had the exact blue eye color and background - absolutely breathtaking. Anyways .. this brings me to another obsession of mine - simple white dresses - 'canvas dresses' as i like to call them. This particular one is from Romwe, but over time I've have managed to collect a bunch of them from allover. I love them so much, because these types of basic items allow you to be naughty and wear whatever color or accessories that you like and normally wouldn't wear or even know how to wear. So a big fat thumbs up for dresses like that! Oh and you can also find this outfit on lookbook HERE. So I really hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think! Enjoy! :)

Ma ei tea kas asi on ainult minus, aga mul tekivad vahepeal lihtsalt kõige veidramad kinnisideed üldse. Konkreetselt, täiesti suvalised asjad - näiteks mingi hetk ei söönud ma mitte midagi muud peale Tere šokolaadipudingu, siis tõmbasin ma enda niigi täis kõvakettale hunnikute viisi Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends'e sest Bloo (!!kliki) tundus kui kõige geniaalsem tegelane üldse, järgmisel hetkel kulutasin tunde disainiblogides ringi lustides kus imetlesin ilusa kujudusega kirjatarbeid(!!). Praeguseks ohvriks on aga värv - selline ilus taevasinine, milles on tsipakene rohelist kuma, teatud valguses meenutab isegi Tiffany and Co karbikesi, aga on siiski rohkem taevasem. Täitsa võimalik, et see  jäi külge kui ma Annu toodud prantsuse Vogue'i lappasin, nimelt oli seal üks modell, kelle silmad ja esikaane taust olid täpselt seda tooni. Ja millest ma veel küllalt ei saa on sellised lihtsad valged kleidikesed, mis sobivad absoluutselt kõigega. Antud kleit on Romwest, aga mul on läbi aegade õnnestunud selliseid basic kleidikesi igalt poolt kokku kraapida. Niisiis kui mul ühel heal päeval peaks tekkima tahtmine osta endale näiteks.. hm.. ütleme lillatpunastetäppidegaussikujulistvöömoodipeaasja, mis arvatavasti mu ülejäänud garderoobiga just kõige paremini läbi ei saaks, siis tänu lihtsatele riideesemetele nagu selline valge kleit, ei peaks ma seda ostu tegemata jätma. Igastahes üks suur rasvane pöial ja like! Nüüd tuli küll veidike pikk tekst, aga medal neile, kes siiski viitsivad lõpuni lugeda. Igastahes ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad ja lookbooki võite külastada SIIT! Olge tublid mu hiirekesed! :)

( I used CanonEOS 400D, 50m lens, tripod and Canon controller RC1 for the pictures)
Belt in from Vero Moda and everything else from Romwe!
DeVotchKa - How It Ends

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I've got nostalgic pavements.

Just a little photo diary of a tiny trip to Tallinn with Annu. It's been so hot these past few days that I've just been sitting around and doing nothing really, also been feeling very uninspired and pointless.. just bleughhh. But since I don't want to be nominated as the crappiest blogger of the summer I decided to suck it up and go trough some of my photographs and prepare some posts for the upcoming days. So keep your eyes out for that. Also if there are any interesting movies or blogs or anything happy or inspiring that you've seen lately.. then let me know in the comments below - I'd be very grateful. Yay. But I hope you enjoy these photos and have a nice evening. :)

Mõned fotod siis minu ja Annu Tallinnas käigust. Meh.. palavus tappis ka seal.. niiet suurema osa päevast vegeteerisime pargis puude varjus, rääkisime juttu ja olime niisama toredad. Viimased päevad on üldsegi kuidagi tuimalt ja igavalt välja kukkunud, et lausa kahju hakkab, aga kui inspiratsiooni pole, siis ei saa sinna midagi parata. Niisiis kui keegi äkki on näinud, kuulnud või teinud miskit huvitavat või lõbusat, siis võiks seda all kommentaarides jagada. Aga olge tublid mu hiirekesed ja loodetavasti pildid meeldivad :)

( I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures )
Kate Nash - Mouthwash

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You are every triumph, every victory, I believe in every breath you breathe.!

Just a really quick post to tell some amazing news that I got today! I've been accepted so I'm going to be studying fashion design in Estonian Academy of Arts! yay!!!But I've gotta run, cause I'm going to be celebrating tonight! But do enjoy these pictures - again they were taken for my portfolio and the selfportrait is for a magazine article. You can also find this outfit on lookbook HERE. Hope you have a great night and be sure to tell me what you think!

CanonEOS 400D and 50 mm lens for the pictures/ Ink, pen and photoshtopCS3 for the illustration.
King Charles - Love Lust.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lucy takes the long way home.

I was in Tallinn last week so that explains the lack of posts - but I'm back so here you go! I took half of these photographs a while back when I was attending a birthday party at little mansion in the middle of Estonia and the other half was taken for my portfolio. I'm wearing self made clothes - except for the accessories... hm oh and you can also find this outfit on lookbook HERE. Yay - but i have some really exiting things going on at the moment so hopefully everything will go as planned and I'll be able to share it with you guys as well, but in the meanwhile I really hope you enjoy the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :)

( I used CanonEOS400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
Metric - Help I'm alive.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Between the click of the light and the start of the dream.

A quick little post for you guys. Huh I've been so busy working my butt off that I haven't had the time to update my blog - and believe me it's been killing me, but just one more week to go and it will all be over. Yay. I actually had a really great day today - ran some errands with Annu, got some much needed art supplies, raided a fabric store.. oh and managed to sunbathe for the second time during this summer. Aah I'm so pale that it's not even funny! .. And now for the outfit - I've been wearing a crochet top and necklace from romwe and my most favorite skirt of all time which is from H&M, the gorgeous black satchel is also from romwe but I already managed to break it - yeah I just had to try and stuff all my earthly belongings in there. Needless to say it didn't work out.. anyways you can also find this outfit on lookbook HERE. I hope you enjoy the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think. :)

Black shirt, necklace and bag from romwe and skirt from seppelä.
(For the pictures I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens)

Owen Pallett -No Cars Go (Arcade Fire cover)