Saturday, February 23, 2013

Make a little birdhouse in your soul.

A few months back I finally decided to man up, be a brave little trooper and face one of my biggest fears. I don't think I've mentioned this on my blog before but I have a terrible fear of needles. And by terrible I mean completely irrational, all consuming, paralyzing fear. I remember this one time when I was at the hospital with my mom, she was giving blood in the next room and I was waiting in the hall. There was a window and to pass the time I remember looking at this sad little birch tree that was growing in the parking lot. Suddenly one birch became two, two became four and the next thing I know, I was on the ground. So just the idea of needles poking around in some ones skin was enough for me to pass out. So you see the extent of my little phobia. But as I said I finally faced the mother of all my fears and got a tattoo that I've been longing for years. And if you ignore the fact that I almost passed out after the first three minutes and the tattoo artist had to run out for some water and ammonia, I think I did pretty good. Anyway it's a line from the most beautiful poem, written by an Estonian author Artur Alliksaar. I'm not going to translate it, not even going to try. I think it's just one of those things that would get lost in translation. But his words have haunted, inspired and given me peace of mind for as long as I can remember so I'm very happy to always have them with me now. But I'm going to let you enjoy the pictures now, I hope you like them and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Seda aastat alustasin ma äärmiselt vapra väikese sõdalasena. Ma pole vist seda varem maininud, aga mul on tohutu hirm süstalde ees. Ja kui ma ütlen tohutu, siis ma mõtlen täiesti seletamatu, kõikehaarav, kohutav hirm. Mäletan, kui olin emaga kaasas kui viimane otsustas minna verd andma. Ootasin kordoris, kus oli väike aken, millest ma siis ajaviiteks ühte õnnetut kasepuud jälgisin, mis kõigi ja kõige kiuste haigla parkla keskel kasvas. Igaljuhul sai järsku ühest kasest kaks, kahest neli ja juba järgmisel hetkel olin ma pikali ning üks väga hüsteeriline õde suskis nuuskpiirituse tupsuga mu nina all. Ehk piisas vaid teadmisest, et kõrval ruumis on inimesed, kellel on veenides nõelad ja kõik maailma õudused saidki mu peas kokku ja aju otsustas kiire restardi kasuks. Aga nagu ma mainisin, siis alustasin seda aastat äärmiselt võidukalt. Nimelt otsustasin lõpuks jänesed põuest välja peksta ja oma kõige suuremast hirmust üle saada ning teha ära tatoveeringu, mida olen juba kaua-kaua igatsenud. Ja kui ignoreerida fakti, et ma esimese 3 minuti jooksul peaagu pildi taskusse panin ja tubli tindivabriku noorhärra pidi vee ja nuuskpiirituse järgi lippama, siis sain ma päris kenasti hakkama. Ja nüüd ongi minuga alatiseks kaasas Artur Alliksaare kõige ilusamad sõnad, kõige imelisemast väikesest luuletusest, mis on mind juba aastaid kummitanud, inspireerinud ja keerulistel aegadel lohutust pakkunud. Aga teie, mu hiirekesed, olge ikka tublid, ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad. :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(skirt from, blouse from
Of Monsters and Men - King And Lionheart

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Talks like a gentleman.

I had a perfectly mellow Valentine's Day. So here's a selection of photographs and my illustrations for this months Anne&Stiil magazine that I thought I'd share with you guys. They turned out surprisingly delightful, despite the fact that I'm a bit of an anti romantic and illustrating an article about wonderful "love at first sight" stories isn't the most inspiring thing I can do. I also made some postcards with the illustrations and they made really cute presents to give to my friends. Overall I had a really lovely day, we ate cake and learned how much work goes into making a perfect suit for le menfolk, and like a cherry on top of a romantic little cake I called it a day with watching How I Met Your Mother and munching on some milk chocolate. I hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Ja nüüd ongi teie ees minu muhe Valentinipäev ja ka selle kuu Anne&Stiili illustratsioonid, mis üllataval kombel kukkusid isegi täitsa toredasti välja. Olenemata sellest, et suhetevaldkonda laastab suurem ikaldus kui mu külmkappi, kust vaatab vastu pakk veini ja üks kuivanud sidrun. Ja mõistagi ei ole siis teiste imeliste "armastus esimesest silmapilgust" jutukeste lugemine maailma kõige inspireerivam tegevus. Igaljuhul said illustratsioonidest ka väikesed postkaardikesed tehtud, mida oli päris tore koos lilledega kamraadidele taskusse pista. Päev ise möödus rahulikult - sõime kooki ja õppisime kuidas pintsakut selga raputada ja nagu kirss ühel romantilisel tordil - lõpetasin õhtu diivanil lösutades, seltsiks lemmiksari How I Met Your Mother ja tahvel šokolaadi. Aga teie, mu hiirekesed, olge ikka tublid, ja ma loodan, et pildid meeldivad :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs )
The Killers-When You Were Young