Sunday, September 8, 2013

Always time for another last minute / GIVEAWAY

What better way to kick off this fabulous month of September than with a little giveaway. I feel like it's long overdue and besides the fact that I've been a pretty useless blogger for the past few months, there's no denying that you guys are still the most awesome bunch of people I could ever hope for! So I decided to whip up a these little bits a bobs that I think you might enjoy. So these delicious pastel watches and my illustrated mugs are now looking for a new home. Just scroll down for all the lovely details. And as some of you may already know I am writing this post from the beautiful city of Reykjavik, it's my third week here in Iceland, and my second week in the Academy of Arts, so busy would be an understatement. I know you're all eagerly waiting for me post something Icelandic, but you're just going to have to wait a teeny bit longer.It got so hectic right before I left and I still need to post my little good-byes to my sweet hometown. However I am constantly updating my Facebook page, so if you're as impatient as I think you are, than just go like and follow. But in the meanwhile I hope you enjoy the pictures and make sure to take part of the giveaway! :)

Sügis on jälle ukse ette veerenud ja ei ole vist olemas muhedamat aega välja kuulutamaks üks väike kingiloos. Blogijana olen ma küll viimastel kuudel mõõdukalt kasutu olnud, aga see ei muuda fakti, et teie, mu armsad lugejad, olete ühed ütlemata pehmed kiisud. Ja nagu pehmetele kiisudele kohane - üks suur litsuv pai peanupukesele ja tagasihoidlik peotäis toredaid vidinaid. Niisiis ootavadki need pastelsed käekellad ja minu illustreeritud tassikesed omale armsaid uusi omanikke. Kõik vajalik info edukaks adopteerimiseks on kirjas postituse all. Ja nagu enamus teist juba teavad, siis kirjutan seda sissekannet imeilusast Reykjavikist. Tiksumas on juba kolmas nädal siin, millest kaks olen veetnud Islandi Kunstiakadeemia koridorides ekseldes. Tööd on kuhjaga ja ei ole just kõige kergem.Kohukest igatsen kaa... Tean-tean, et enamus teist ootavad õhinaga islandi postitusi, mina ise kaasa arvatud, aga tuleb veel õige pisut kannatada. Enne minekut läks mul nii kiireks, et jäi avaldamata minu väikesed hüvastijätud kõige musimate Tartu nurgakestega. Sellegipoolest võib alati blogi facebooki lehte piilumas käia, üritan sinna ikka usinasti igasugu killukesi üles riputada. Vot, aga lasengi teid nüüd pilte uudistama, võtke kindlasti loosimisest osa ja olge ikka tublid hiirekesed :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs, PS CS3 for the illustration)
(Golden hair bow and necklace from , denim shirt from Reserved, belt is vintage)
Josh Record - The War
Three simple steps to enter the giveaway:

1.Like on Facebook: HERE.
2.Show your support and share the love: HERE
3. Leave a comment either under this post or under the poster HERE - along with your e-mail address and color preference.
4.This is completely optional, but if you leave ma comment telling me what you like or don't like about my blog or whatever you might have in mind, than you will also have a chance to win an illustrated mug as special little treat. :)

I will use to determine two of the winners.
And then go trough all of the comments and personally pick the remaining two winners for the mug&watch combo!
Good luck!


  1. Facebook: Ashley Yu
    Color: White

    I really love the photos on your blog! The quality is stunning and the colors are ethereal and so soothing. I also love the photos that have the title of your post in them because the design is really clean and absolutely gorgeous (:
    - Ashley Yu

    Watch color: Black

    My favorite thing about your blog are the photos and reading the stories you have along with them! My least favorite thing is only that you're not able to post often because you're too busy living life. ;)
    For a future post, I would love to see more .gifs or videos from you!

    Thank you so so much for hosting this giveaway!


  3. Facebook: Whitney Nellé
    Color: Black

    I love how simple and positive your blog is. From the pictures and the words you write to the layout, everything about your blog feels like a tiny bit of summer, even when you've been stressed and busy with school or you're bundled up in all black for winter. Your blog just has such a sweet and breezy life to it. I also love that you always post a mixture of outfit photos and general photos. I'd like to see more of your own art when you have the chance to post it. Your style is so layered and interesting.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


  4. e-mail:
    color: black
    I adore the photography! I like fashion and I like your style, but what separates your blog from other fashion blogs are the artistic choices you make. It would be cool to see more of what you're doing, artistically. For future posts, a tutorial would be nice-- on taking photos, or coordinating outfits, or how you get your hair so perfect... etcetc. : ) I always feel more relaxed and more inspired after clicking around your blog. --syl

  5. Facebook: Jeny Sedano
    color: Mint

    I love you art!! You inspire me, and I wanna see more pictures of you life, you work and maybe someone tips, cause I'm paint too, you really make me have some idea to do. I love you fashion too, and you can show us your make up, and more tips about that!! :) kisses

  6. Email:
    Color: Yellow

    I really like your art collages, they really catch my attention. One thing I do would like to see different is the angle of your pictures... they tend to be the same angle, same pose at times. I would like to see you work more with your personal photos and as everyone has mentioned more of your work.

    Dying to see something Icelandic!! On my way to your Facebook now ;)


  7. Facebook: Katerina Tsiourli
    Color: Black

    I love your pictures, your art, style e.t.c also the design of your blog so simple,clean and beautiful I like it a lot. I really don't want to change something...perhaps more posts about beauty products...maybe!?! I don't know :P

  8. I really envy your photos! I really love it because it looks so cool and awesome! You're so amazing! I hope I can meet you!

  9. I'm such a fan of your photos, they're so nice!
    I really like the white one, my email is :)

  10. Email:
    Color: turquoise :)

    I really love your blog posts and pictures. Please post on how did you edit your photos and some of your art works because it is just really awesome! Super admire you! :* Keep on Blogging! :D ;)

  11. email:
    color: turquoise or white, I'd be happy with either! :)

    I love everything about your blog! I'm always inspired to be more creative after I read your newest post. I would personally love to see more beauty product recommendations and demos on how to do all of your little hair styles/braids. Also September 14th is my birthday so it'd just be a great birthday present to win this from you.

    - Hannah

  12. email:
    color: black

    - I love your photos and the feelings what you can see through them. And your style is very inspiring and its so cute that you always watch down in pictures, but i really want to see more pictures when you are watching "toward us" :"D Also, its really nice when you are blogging about art work by you. : )

  13. email:
    värv: türkiis või must, you pick.

    Sul on lihtsalt vapustavad pildid alati. Nii mõnusad värvid, mõnusalt blurr tagataust. Uhh, milline rõõm on uusi postitusi lugeda ning vanu postitusi meenutada.

  14. See kollane kellake on super luks!

    Sinu blogi avastasin suhteliselt hiljuti ja kohe armusin ära! Tavaliselt, kui mõne blogi uut postitust loen ja selle pilte vaatan, piisab ühest korrast. Sinu postitusi kerin üles-alla ja edasi-tagasi mitu korda, enne kui olen täielikult rahul e sinu pildid on nii super head, et neid peab kordades vaatama!


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. email:
    Color: white!

    What I don't like about your blog?
    Maybe the fact that you don't post that often, but I'm sure that even a daily post wont be enough, I love your pics and your style!
    Also I become a little obsessed with mint after reading your blog, I didn't had 1 single mint item in my closet before! but I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing!


  17. Gabrielle Hallik
    Värv mündiroheline

    Blogi olen lugenud algusest peale ja armastan suurepäraseid joonistusi. Suureks plussiks on blogi juures pastelsed toonid, mis toovad kõik ilusasti välja. Lood, mis kaasnevad postitustega on vägagi armsad. Stiil, mis on teissugune, kui tavalisel hallil eestlasel. Neid kiidusõnu on palju ja ei jõuagi kohe kõiki välja tuua.

  18. I simply love your photos and your art. ♥

  19. Lorena Saldana
    Cream color

    Hi lovely :)
    My absolute favorite thing about your blog is the sense love you have not only in your persute of your dream career or artwork, but also for your followers. I just love how you get a sense of community here on your blog, and you never put this "devide" between you and your followers. I always feel like I'm right there with you in everything you do, and through your blog, you're right there with me telling me to just keep dreaming and believing. It just feels nice to hear some doing great things and then sending so much positivity out to the rest of us. :)

    <3 L

    Thanks for all your posts!!!

  21. Liivi Kivmäe
    Valge tundub kõige kodusem.

    Sattusin siia aastal 2010, armusin imeilusatesse piltidesse, muinasjutulisesse stiili ja illustratsioonidesse. Kuid kõige meeldivam Su blogi juures on minumeelest see, milline armas jutulõik iga postituse alguses seisab. See tekitab juba enne piltide vaatamist mõnusalt sooja tunde.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Riina Kranich
    Värv: valge

    Blogi juures meeldivad kõige rohkem pildid. Samuti haakuvad omavahel blogi tekstid, pildid ning kujundus ning see panebki mind uusi poste ootama

  24. Anna Lutter

    Fotod on ilushead ning kõik, mis kajastab sinu akadeemilisi ponnistusi on ka huvitav lugemiseks ja vaatamiseks kah.

    Värv: Must

  26. Email:
    Color: white

    Love completely your blog, but please, post more often. And more flowers and your outfit pictures.
    Have a nice day and enjoy your studies in Iceland :)

  27. Liisa-Reet Piirimäe
    Valge kell on kõige nunnum!

    Tead, Kerti, Sa oled nii armas ja andekas, et Sind on võimatu mitte follow'ida. Olen igati Su loomingu fänn!
    Jõudu-jaksu müstilisel Islandil!


  28. kas neid tasse on võimalik osta ka? :)

  29. Jagasin armastust siin:
    E-postkast on mul selline:
    ja kell võiks olla kreem/kollane - nii ilusat värvi kell tunneks end kindlasti hästi musta ja kuldse kaaslase seltsis.

    Islandist postitusi oleks tõesti vahva näha - mulle isiklikult väga meeldib islandi muusika.. Selline õrn ja võluv, sama müstiline kui sealne maastik. Kahju, et sul pole, seega küsin siin - kas kohalikku kööki on ka plaanis proovida? :)

  30. Merit Pindis
    Kollane kell oleksk lihtsalt imeline :)

    Armastan su kunsti, neid imeilusaid pilte ja sa ise oled ka muidugi vapustavalt kena. Jään ootama Islandi postitusi :)

  31. Facebook: Catherine Wolf
    Color: White

    Your blog is just perfect to me :)

  32. Matthias Dengler
    color preference: black

    for me, it's really hard to say what I prefer on your blog, because i usually like everything you do:
    fashion posts, posts about your life and your environment and everything else.
    but all of them share one thing in common:
    beautiful camera angles, unique color editing, a special "romantic" mood and a beautiful estonian girl on top of them. :)
    you are my favourite blogger.

    lovely greets from Poland


  33. Tere Kerti!
    Mulle meeldib sinu blogist õhkuv positiivsus ja see, et täiskasvanud inimesena pole sa unustanud lapsemeelsust, mis lubab teha iga hetke eriliseks. Sinu blogi on ütlemata armas ja inspireeriv. Piilun sinu pesa peaaegu igapäev ja alati leian siit midagi uut ja huvitavat. Jõudu ja jaksu sulle seal kaugel maal

    Kadri Niine
    Valge kell

  34. I really love the way you write your blog. It´s so YOU! All those colours. It seems like you´re living in a WMB (white, mint, black) world and it looks pretty amazing! I also really enjoy your outfits (I remember the post -it was a looong time ago- where you showed how to sew a floral skirt...and that was the impulse for me to start learning how to sew...because I really wanted that cool skirt like you had) and I´m so jealous about your hair! I don´t understand how it can look that perfect! And all your illustrations are just the cherry on the top of all of this! Keep doing what you´re doing Kertii! (and what about colour preferences...all besides black would be great!)

  35. Kole juuksevärv - hall ja tuhm....nagu vanaema :D

  36. Email:
    Värv: Must

    Mulle meeldib sinu blogi juures see ääretult armas ja soe tekst, mis iga kord teeb tuju nii heaks ja loomulikult ja sinu võrratult kaunid pildid! Ootan põnevusega uudiseid ja pilte Islandilt:)

  37. the white one is lovely!

    i just love, love, love your blog. i have nothing bad to say about it, bc it is perfect: lovely photos, lovely clothes, lovely illustrations♥

  38. Email:
    Color: White

    I love your blog because it shows how much time and effort you put in it. What I love the most are your photos and how you have a color theme for each post. It's not only a photo diary, it seems as every set of photos is a new mood, a new day, a new story. Your outfits are always inspirational and though you change your style, you always make them personal - sometimes I even see an outfit on another girl and think "that's so Kerti-ish"! :)
    Keep up the pretty work.

  39. Oh! How lovely! I'm so totally in for the giveaway =)

    My email is elegancehunter(at)
    And I can't really choose a color! I can't decide whether I rather the blue one or the light yellow... Maybe the black one? I'm such a sucker for all those colors!
    In Facebook I'm Jessica Villar and Elegance Hunter (I liked you through my personal account to follow and through my blog page)

    Why I keep coming back to your site is because of your lovely pictures and illustrations. I find your posts so relaxing, it's like taking a long warm bath, I don't know, it's great.

    I hope you're enjoying Academy of Arts ;)


  40. I love the vintage kind of feel of your blog. Despite the retro design, it also has a modern twist. By just looking at your blog, I can tell that you're creative and very passionate about what you do. I'm fine with the simplicity of your blog, but it would be better if you will add more artwork preferably with pastel colors to contrast your white background. Just a suggestion :)
    -Jewel Ruiz

    PS: I would love to have the white one. The turquoise watch is very cool too!

  41. I like all of the colors of the watches. :) And this mugs are great, too :D
    I like your blog because of your great photos and your style. You make wonderful illustration. :)
    My email:


  42. Tead, Kerti - ei olegi vist detaili, mis mulle Su blogi puhul ei meeldiks, ka see, et viimasel ajal postitad nii hektiliselt, kuulub justkui Su müstilise-maagilise maailma juurde.
    Eriti lummav on aga kogu blogikoosluse sünergia : pildid ja tekst täiendavad üksteise helgust ja seda seletamatut rõõmupisikut, mida Sa alati väljendada suuda, ka kiiretel või rasketel aegadel, samas oskad kirjutada ka keerusematest asjadest ning tervikusse põimida iseennast, oma päeva outfit'e, kodu detaile ja kunsti, nii, et iga postitus ja laiemalt vaadates kogu blogi on ühtne ja terviklik. Kuigi ei ole olnud väga pikaaegne lugeja, siis alati siia lehele sattudes (mida ehk juhtub sagedamini kui postitusi) leian midagi huvitavat - oled justkui mõni sõbranna, kellega võib-olla pikalt ei trehva, ent juttu alati jätkub. Aitäh!

    Värvidest meeldib kõige enam alati lummav must.

  43. Hello, Kerti,
    I think your blog is simply amazing. I love all the photos you take and also the way you mix it here f.e. with flowers of pics of nature. And I also adore the colors of your photos, it looks so romantic and mysterious at the same time. And I also like the fact that we´ve got very similar music taste. ;) Your blog is one of my most favourites. <3
    I like the white color of the watches.
    By the way, this is an amazing giveaway. ;)
    Have a nice day, dear.


  44. Email:
    Color: Teal

    I love your blog because it's so whimsical and I'm always in awe with your photos they look incredible! Your style is also really amazing we have similar taste. What I don't like is that you don't update it as much as I would like but I know your busy so I will let that slide (for now, hehe).

  45. email:
    the black should fits me :)
    everytime I see on fb that you make a new post, immediately I read it, and I admire your photos. I love your girly style because I also the prefer :) thanks for you and that I came across your blog :*

  46. Email:
    Värv: Sinine

    Oi kui hea meel oli mul hommikukohvi kõrvale avastada uus postitus, kohe hakkas süda ka rõõmust hüppama! Kogu su olemus ja blogi selle väljenduse on üks ääretult armas asi ning absoluutselt iga kord kui ma hüppan siit läbi, olen ma nii inspireeritud. Sa suudad iga oma pildi ja jutulõiguga anda edasi tohutut positiivsust ja nii palju ilu, et see paneb mind rõkkama inpiratsioonist. Ma olen reaalselt tunde scrollinud läbi su ajaloo, avastades kogu aeg veel midagi lahedamat! Supertubli oled ja loodan, et sul läheb Islandil veel ägedamalt! :)

  47. Email:
    Colour: White

    Your blog has always inspired me to be creative, I also study at an art institute but in the United Kingdom. Every time I visit your blog the photos make me feel like I'm looking at a wonderful fantasy fashion page, with your colourful hints of mint and pink. It always feels like you put your heart into all of your photos and writing, which is rare for a blogger.

    Wishing you bundles of success in Iceland. x


  48. email:
    color: mint
    fb: Kristie Nejdží Magyarová

    I love your blog, your style, your art, your photos.. I miss only your outfits a little :)

  49. Email:
    Color: Mint... but what I really want is a mug <333

    I can't really write what I don't like on your blog cause there's no such thing. Following you for a couple of years now and I could only witness your progress. What you do with your images is just magical and that's the reason why your blog stands out! I like the fact that your posts are not only fashionable but also artistic :) I love to see talented people and all the persistence and work paying off like in your case with the scholarship and also through collaboration with Pull&Bear, your work in magazines and so on...Just continue that way, with high quality and creative work cause all of us here really love your style, in fashion and photography too.
    And as I'm impressed with your drawing and your sketches I would reeeeally like a mug! If you somehow decide that I get it, you could give a watch to someone else, to a 5th winner for example! ;) :D

    Kisses! :***

  50. Email: leamars007[at]
    Colour: Turquoise

    What I love about your blog are the pictures... Sometimes I feel like you aren't living on earth but in some sort of fantasy land judging by your pictures. They got these fantasy, ethereal, amaze-balls feeling over them!

    A dislike is maybe the amount of posting... but I completely understand since you are busy with school and stuff; and that goes before blogging! So ignore this and focus on your study! Good luck <3

    Värv: valge

    Sinu blogi kohta sobiks üks minu lemmikumaid tsitaate: "Pisiasjad-pole olemas suuremaid!"
    See on lihtne kuid samas niiiiii eriline. Iga detail on kuidagi väga õigesti paigas ilma suurema pingutuseta, selline armas ja tütarlapselik, need pastellsed värvid on lihtsalt võrratud ning algava sombuse sügise varjus on ülihea siia piiluda, et nägu naerule saada ja meel puhkaks :)

  52. E-mail:
    Color: white

    Every time I look at your blog I see pure perfection. I like when a blogger, besides her outfit photos, posts stories from her life, when she shares other photos and not just clothes, when she shares her ideas and you do all that.
    Your photos breathe, each one of them has a story to tell. And, you can see that you put a part of your soul in every post you write. That's the reason you're my favorite blogger.

    The only bad things is, you post to little. You shouldn't be neglecting this blog. But, I'm not saying that you should post every day, but two times a week, maybe? Or at least once a week? :D

  53. E-mail:
    Värv: Must

    Üks tähtsatest põhjustest, miks Su blogi mulle meeldib seisneb selles, et see näeb ikka pagana armas välja. Kui postitustesse põhjalikumalt süveneda siis leiduvad seal just täpselt minule kõige südamelähedasemad pastelsed ja vahel paar kirkamat värvitooni kõik koos sõbralikult varieerumas ja alati keerleb mu peas mõte, et milline neist nüüd minu lemmikuks hakkab.

    Teiseks, see on Inspireeriv suure algustähega.

    Veel on vahva see, et postituste all on mõnusad muusikapalad ja nende saatel on teksti ja pilte hoopis teine tunne lugeda ja vaadata.

    Usun, et harv postituste tegemine ei ole negatiivne, sest see näitab, et Sul on Sind paeluvad tegemised ja toimetused käsil ning kui õige aeg käes siis saavad ka lugejad seeläbi lõppkokkuvõttes sisuka ja huvitava postituse osalisteks.

    Õnne ja õnnestumisi seal kaugel! Loodan, et naased sealt mäekõrguste kogemuste võrra rikkamana tagasi ja salamisi loodan, et leiad varem või veidi hiljem aega taas Anne&Stiili leheküljedel või ka mujal laiemale avalikkusele oma loomingut näidata!



  54. Karolin S
    Värv: Helekollane

    Mulle väga meeldib, et sa kulutad oma aega blogi pidamise peale palju. Ja põhjalikult, et postitused on täis pilte ja gif faile ning, et kui uusi postitusi tuleb harva, siis on neid seeeest ekstra tore avastada, et kui uut on. Samuti väga meeldib sinu stiil nii joonistuste kui ka su enda riietumise näol. Väga armastan heledaid pastellseid toone tänu sinu stiilinäidetele ja ka kihilist riiete kandmist. Ning kõige lõpuks ja kõige olulisemaks pean, et kirjutad ka endast ja kuigi ma sind isiklikult ei tea, siis tundud avatud ja väga siiras ja sõbralik inimene. On tunda, et armastad lugejaid ja oled positiivne ning jääd omanäoliseks kui paljud teised massiga kaasa liiguvad.

  55. Kadri
    Valge :)

    Sinu blogi juures on kõige paeluvam see, kuidas suhtled oma lugejatega! Kõigest õhkab südamlikkust. Lisaks oled sa kohutavalt hea fotograaf ja sinu illustratsioonid on samuti imelised. Iga uus postitus on kui kingitus :)



    I like your style of posting. You do it simple, and you are not another one of milions "fashion-blogers" which are wearing the same things, posting the same stuffs. You have your own style, and your blog gives a lot of inspiration.I wish i could learn to take such a great pictures, and i wish i could visit the places you have shown on it to compare the reality with your way of seeing it. I always can't wait for another post(and btw it's the thing i don't like about your blog-you are posting not so often like i wish you do ;)).

  57. Hi :)

    My email is:
    Preferred color: black or blue.

    I'm a girl from the sunny archipelago of the Philippines; can I just say, your photos amaze me -- I stumbled across your Lookbook some time ago, and I don't regret it!
    I especially love your hair (haha). It's so intriguing, how your hair is a somewhat sun-bleached blonde, and always cascades so beautifully to frame your lovely features. I also admire how you make a lot of your own clothes!
    I'm content enough to just let you know that I love how you edit and design your page & photos ("Simple yet elegant" is the perfect description.)
    I'd feel elated just to know you read this comment! All I can say is, blog on, my dear, articulate friend!

    From me to you,

  58. Gerly

    Meeldivad su blogi juures eelkõige pildid, sest need on alati ilusad. ;)

    värv: mint

  59. Colour: mint green

    Photography at your blog is wonderful! It'd be nice to read some kind of a tutorial about how you make the photos look so vibrant.


    Su blogi meeldib mulle väga piltide pärast, lihtsalt niii ilusad!
    Ise sa oled tohutult ilus ja su piltidelt kiirgab positiivsust, tuju läheb heaks kohe! :)


    Jagasin postitust enda blogi fb lehel -
    Värviks valiksin valge.

    Ootan alati põnevusega Sinu postitusi, ilmselt nagu ka teised lugejad, eelkõige imeliste piltide pärast! Samuti on Sinu outfitid alati väga omapärased ja silmapaistvad! Hoian pöidlaid, et Sul läheks seal kaugel, (minu) unistuste maal, kõik suurepäraselt ja tuleksid tagasi koti kogemuste ja inspiratsiooniga! :)

    The black watch

    I came some years ago to your blog for your artwork, I was a fine arts student and was interested in fashion illustration. The thing that I love most of your blog is that you mix perfectly art, design and street fashion! Thanks to your blog and your looks I decided to start studying fashion design and could't be more happier.I Know it's a hard road, but if I want it so badly as you, I know I would get rewarded, you're for us a role model, you have an unique style and this encourage me to keep looking for mine. Thank you very much for all your post, each of them is special and I am always waiting for the next one!
    Oh and I almost forget, by reading your posts I can learn a little more english! xD
    Kisses from Spain! :)

  63. Email:
    Color: turquoise !!

    I really love the atmosphere that you create and your aesthetic sense!

  64. I really like the colours in your pictures and your lovely platin blonde hair :-)

    Colour: Blue

    Aah, I'm always in love with your photos <3

    Cute to the Fashion

  66. facebook: Pamela Aleksandra Rosenberg
    colour: black (or pure white)

    Hi Kerti, and awesome that you decided to move Iceland... I'm from Finland, and I think Iceland would be very nice place to visit. Your mugs make me falling in love...
    And my old watch is broken, so new one would be nice.
    Keep going and remember make me (and so many others) happy by writing your blog!

  67. FB name: Aleksandra Dressnread
    colour: yellow

    Well, what I like the most are certainly great photographs and enormous imagination of yours. Showing us a little part of your cozy, colourful world really makes my rainy day.

    must kell

    Mulle meeldivad selles blogis olevad pildid! Väga ilusad on need alati.

    Valge või kollane kell. :)

    Mulle väga meeldib sinu blogi õhustik. See maagilisus on lihtsalt võrratu. :)
    Lisaks on pildid veel niivõrd ilusad ja inspireerivad.

    Must kell oleks imeline!

    Su blogi juures meeldib mulle kindlasti kujundus ja imekaunid fotod. Väga pilkupüüdev!

  71. Maris Kurvits
    Valge kell.

    Imeline blogi!

    must kell

    Blogi juures meeldivad värvikombinatsioonid Sinu piltidel - i m e l i n e!!!!!!!!
    Ja see, kuidas Sa oma lugejatega oma kirjutistes suhtled on nii imearmas :)

  73. i lovelovelove that blue one. And omg those mugs.If i don't win, can I buy that from somewhere?

  74. email:
    colour: white (or black)

    I love how you've got a distinct style of your own that's really sweet but sometimes edgy too. and the photos you put up here are always so breathtakingly beautiful! Also love your artworks, your writing style and some bits of music you put at the end of every blogpost. Everything here just oozes inspiration :)

    Would love to see more frequent and longer blogposts though, and maybe some DIY posts as well? :D

  75. i so love your blog, it's so artistic and i love your art work, i really want to buy some of your pieces <3
    i love the watch in black and my email is:
    xx ish

    Watch color: white

    What a cute giveaway! I love the mug with your art!
    Your photos are amazing!! *-*

  77. Facebook: Jane Jaakson

    Must kell.

  78. Facebook: Tuuli Põhjakas
    Värv: must

    Su fotod on alati nii imelistes toonides ja huvitavad ning hästi tehtud ja sa ise oled nii vaimustavalt kaunis. Su joonistustest ei hakka parem rääkimagi. Su jutt on alati nii armas ja ma arvan, et paneks kõige tumedamadki südamed sulama. (:

  79. Türkiisi värvi kell on tõeliselt ilus, wow. Ja see kruus, meeletult armas! Super oled. Edu! :)

    Päikest. :)

  80. Fb:
    Värv: must

    Võrratud pildid, siiras ning meeletult armas olek, ebamaiselt kaunis välimus, kadedusttekitav kunstianne ning positiivsust süstiv jutt selle kõige kõrvale on põhjused, miks tunnen end Sinu blogis alati nii hästi.

  81. e-mail:
    värv: valge

    Ma ei muudaks selle blogi juures midagi, see on lihtsalt imeline :)

  82. facebook: charlotte bjørnbakk
    colour: white

    i love your photos and the amazing colour scheme you edit them with. i also enjoy reading your little stories and the fact that you can make similiar pictures look interesting and new.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Hei, Kerti!

    Enamus ajast olen kommenteerinud Sinu blogipostitusi anonüümselt, olles see hall hiireke, kellel Sa käsed iga postituse lõpus tubli olla :)
    Ma jumaldan Su blogi juures seda, kuidas see kõik, mis Sa teed, tuleb hingest. Kusagilt sügavalt seest ja see kajastub niivõrd imeliselt Sinu tehtud piltidelt ja öeldud sõnadest. Ma austan ja imetlen seda, mida Sa teed! Sinu pisike nurgake siin internetiavaruses teeb maailma palju paremaks kohaks.
    Loodan siiralt, et Sul läheb Islandil hästi, ja et Sul ikka jaguks motivatsiooni ja teotahet teha seda, mida sa kõige rohkem ihkad! Kõike kõige paremat Sulle (ja saadaks ühtlasi ka Nossumossule tervitused!)


    Fotod on alati väga meeldivad ning ilusad.

  86. Hei!
    Olen juba pikemat aega sinu blogi jälginud ja mulle väga meeldib see. Selles on kohe midagi erilist. Sinu öeldud sõnad, pildid ning kogu sinu blogi on ülimalt armas!
    -Adelina :)

  87. Facebook: Maria Wasiak
    color: white or black, I'll be happy ;)

    Kerti, I love you're blog and I must say, that you're my big inspiration. You have your own orginal style and it's great! Your blog is full of your imagination and creativity. I have to say, that I'm a fan of your design and I wish you all the best with your school in Iceland ;)
    Keep up the good work!

    Kisses and hugs,
    Marentora :)

  88. Tere Kerti!

    Nagu juba mitmed eelnevad kommenteerijad on maininud siis sinu blogi on alati meeldiv vaadata ja lugeda. Iga postitus annab mõnusa positiivse laengu ning on abiks just eksamiperioodil, kui tiheda õppimise vahele on just mõnus scrollida sinu pildikesi ja head muusikat kuulata :)

    Jõudu blogi kirjutamisel ja ka kõiges muus!
    (Loodan, et õnn naeratab ja saan ka ühe toreda kruusikese omanikuks)

  89. e-mail:
    colour: white

    Hi Kerti!
    I've been following your blog for quite a while now, and I fell in love with it instantly. My favourite thing about your blog is the hazy, lovely atmosphere in your photographs. I love the colour theme in them, and I love how every picture is so wonderful, no matter what portrays. I also really love your style and clothes. Your illustrations and all your creations are amazing (the current banner is fantastic). Your blog is overall so very beautiful, and somehow peaceful, and that is why I like it. You are a true inspiration for me!

  90. Minu lemmikuks kujundes valge käekell. Email on

    Kui rääkida Sinu blogist, siis ilmselt ei ole nii ilusaid sõnu üldse loodud. Absoluutselt kõige kaunim blogi, mida ma tean. Kõik need fotod on armsalt edevad ning imelised. Rääkimata muidugi Sinu enda stiilist. Ka see jutt, mida kirjutad on nii nunnult kokku pandud ja kõik see armsus lihtsalt sobib omavahel suurepäraselt. Kindlasti jäi veel mõni ilus sõna ütlemata, kuid jaa, see blogi on kõigekõigem! :)

  91. Hello :)
    wow! I just love your blog. Your pictures are amazing. Also I love the colours of your blog, its really lovely. I just love the atmosphere here and which is around you!
    Have a nice evening!
    Lovely Greetins, maackii

    Facebook: Ananas Tasia Bin Der (
    colour: black

  92. Hey sweet heart <3
    i've been following you, since your old blog. I see how you have improve and grow up since there. Your draws/paintings are just getting ever better. I really love your outfits and pictures, you can show all your tenderness and your special shine through them. Wish you the best on this new jorney :)and try to keep posting, I´m sure many girls enjoy it, like me.

    special kisses from a brazilian fan

  93. ma armmmmastan su blogi juures seda, kuidas sa iga postitust nii hingega teed ja vorbid neist eraldi kunstiteosed, kus kõik alates pildi toonidest kuni muusikani nii ebainimlikult hästi kokku sobib. ja mulle meeldib veel see, kuidas su muusikamaitse minu omaga erakordselt hästi kokku sobib ja kuidas ma siit aeg-ajalt kullapärleid leian oma muusikakogusse. :)

    palju jõudu ja päikest sulle!

    (kellavärvidest eelistan kreemikat. või siis türkiisi.)

  94. email:
    color: I really don't have one preference, they're all amazing.

    Hey Kerti <3,

    I found out about your blog about two years ago. I remember it was summer vacation and I was just scrolling through all of your blogposts (I did that about 200 times after that again). I remember how inspired I felt to make art in the way I like it, and I still feel so inspired every time I watch your blog. I take art classes in school now and I absolutely love it, and I guess I have to thank you for that :). You are so talented and your super creative mind reaches everyone who reads your blog. And you know, nothing feels better than reading blogs on a rainy day underneath a soft blanket with a huge mug of coffee :).
    Thank you so much for taking time to share your pictures and art with us.


  95. Hi! I just love reading your blog and you're so good with photography. I think you have a unique way of blogging and that's what attract me to follow your blog. I also love you outfits and really admire your fashion sense.

    I'm always looking forward to read more of your blog post in the future! :)

    And oh I like the black and green watch. But I'll choose black if I win :)

    Lanie Pregoner

    color : white

    Thank you for. I adore your blog. I would like to see in it more video. For example, videovlog's, answers to questions. It would be desirable that you wrote as often as possible! Write in the blog about the favourite cosmetics, about the favourite shop. It is very interesting to me :)
    You are the best blogger whom I read. You are very talented! Continue to please us with the posts!

    color: black

    Su blogi on võrratu! Sul on imeilusad pildid ja blogi kujundus on ka super puhas ja naiselik. Sinu teksti on ka väga mõnus lugeda ja alati toob see naeratuse suule :):). Video postitusi võiks ka vahelduseks olla, aga muidu on kõik suurepärane, jätka samas vaimus ;)!

  98. Facebook: Kadi Eller
    Värv: Sinine

    Su blogi on väga hea lugeda, jälgida, vaadata. Imeilusad pildid ja väga mõnusalt kirjutatud jutukesed. Soovid alati parimat oma hallidele hiirekestele ja see on nii armas :)

  99. email:
    color: black (or optional white ;)

    In you're blog I love sooo many things : you have so good and beautiful style and you're pictures are simply perfection... And becouse of this, one thing you can change on you're blog it's post much more posts to make me much more happy ;) Love always,

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. My dearest kertiii :)
    what a wonderful idea. I'll join with pleasure!

    colour: yellow

    I'm loyal to you and your blog for a long time. Since i love being inspired by your style and designs, blogspot and & Co got me. You seem to be a perfectionist and someone who likes to create a nice and warm surrounding. Additionally your posts here seem so personal, patient and warm. It's always nice to read your kind words while getting closer to the "dream-pastel-nice"-world of yours.
    Before it becomes a loveletter, i will stop.

    Have a wonderful time in iceland, keep your style and your heart.
    Hannah xx

  102. I would love a chance to win a cute mug :) bc like you, I enjoy copious amounts of English breakfast tea while doing homework or starring out my window. My absolute favorite thing about your blog is that it creates a magical little world for me to escape to. Whenever a season nears, like fall or autumn I go back to all the previous post of that current month and soak in the ambience u have created with ur pictures and colors. It is truly mystical. It gets me excited for the yellow leaves on the ground or the cold icy weather to come. I live in San Francisco, CA and its just such a nice change to see how the seasons welcome themselves in other places so beauitful and far away. The only downside to your blog is that I find myself missing your post and wondering what little adventures you have been up to and waiting to hear about them again. :)

    Mug :)

  103. Klaudia Szałaj
    yellow watch

    I really admire your work; exceptional photos, amazing illustrations and wonderfull taste in clothes.
    Don't ever change! :)

  104. See kõlab nüüd maailma kõige cheesymalt, aga ma pole vist kunagi nii ägedat giveaway'd näinud! :D Ilmselt on mängus ka ufod, sest alles üleeile nägin tumblris selle mündirohelise käekella pilti ja tahtsin ära sulada, niii iluuuus.. ja täna hommikul kohvi tehes sobrasin kapis ja olin kurb, et kõik MINU kohvikruusid on kas vanematekodus või katki läinud ja ma pean üldse-mitte-oma kruusist kohvitama. Ja nüüd näen seda postitust siin, lihtsalt appi kui lahe! :D
    Blogist rääkides meeldib mulle see natuke maagiline õhkkond, mille tekitab fotode ja illustratsioonide, pastelltoonide, muusika ja mingisuguse malbe puhtuse kokkukõla. See on nii mõnus-magus ja inspireeriv, et pärast lugemist on tunne, nagu oleks just täpselt ideaalse tüki Werneri kohviku Brita kooki ära söönud ja võiks nüüd kohe maailma vallutama hakata. Paljud on ülalpool maininud, et postitusi võiks tulla hästi tihti ja ma ei saa öelda, et mul miskit selle vastu oleks, aga tegelikult maitsevad head asjad ju palju paremini, kui neid harva saab. :) Ja mis mulle ei meeldi.. võibolla see, et Sa oled must ainult kaks aastat vanem ja siis ma mõnikord mõtlen, et miks osad inimesed siin maamunal on nii andekad ja mina olen mingi viie vasaku jalaga elevant. :D (ps. see pidi olema nali :D)
    Igatahes ole tubli ja naudi Islandit, tee hästi palju pilte ja näita meile ka!

  105. Facebook: Naomi Le
    Color Preference: Black or White, I can't choose! Probably black (:

    My favorite thing about your blog is that it's the perfect balance between fashion, nature, and art. Your fashion sense is amazing; you have a perfect way of layering for cute winter outfits. It's also great to see such beautiful nature scenery in your photos; usually fashion bloggers are in urban areas and I like the break from that. I especially like to see glimpses of your work; your illustration styles are very unique and interesting. In fact I think I'm more excited to have an illustrated mug than a watch, haha! (Although both is a nice treat [;) And of course I love your photography. Your edits give the photos such a lovely, ethereal tone that gives me warm fuzzy feelings. I can't quite explain it!

    Blog-logistics-wise, I like how you reply to some of the comments that we readers leave. It makes it more personal and friendly. I also think it's cool that you write your posts in two languages. I guess if I were to suggest anything... Share with us more of your work with fashion design, or more of your illustrations. Tell us more about your day? Show off your pets? Haha actually there's not much to improve on; your blog is the best <3

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Looking forward to your Iceland blog entry [;

  106. Hi!
    I'm Denise -
    I love reading your blog and scrolling through your pictures for a long time now and am always craving for a new post. You're a great inspiration! (:
    I'd love to win the yellow or black watch and/or a mug!

    P.S.: looking Forward to some icelandic Posts, since iceland is one of the most special and mystic country I've ever been to!

  107. I discovered you in lookbook so long ago and yours is one of the few blogs I follow with real and sincere interest. I admire you for your creativity and I think you're really pretty good at keeping your space personal and naturally beautiful. You're able to artistically and humanly grow without losing your point of view and your way to do things, and that's what I like the most about your blog.
    I wish you to reach everything you dream for your life, you really deserve it!

    (after this sugary statement, the yellow watch is so nice and cute that even if I haven't wore watches for ages it makes me feel like wearing it for the rest of my life - damned pastel colours!)

  108. i love everything about your blog!! you blog is not the same as others that only post a picture of their outfit and thats it. you actually put some amazing illustrations you created, write about how hectic school is and cant blog as much, outfit post, and of course the amazing skirts you created!! you try and connect with your readers, i love that! your blog is def. a one of kind blog! i love it so much and there is nothing that you should change about it. its perfect the way it is! (: good luck in school!

    xo Daisy

  109. Taylor Warnes
    Color: Mint/ white

    Your blog is unique and stands out because it is beautiful in a simplistic way; it's effortless! The color combos, the editing, and the structure of your posts. It always makes me smile and feel relaxed to browse through your blog, enjoying your art work and photography along the way.

    My least favorite part.... I want more! :)

  110. What I like: You remind me kinda of myself! Many people (who also knows you) tell me that we are really similar! I never met a person who likes the same clothes like me (not everything...but a lot !)

    What I doesn't like: You promised Photshop Tutorials :( Because I really like the colours of your photos/ the bokeh effects the lights etc....Maybe you should do a Editing Tutorial or tell us how you do these pretty photographs!

  111. The Awesome bits:
    What I like about your blog is that it is free from gossip, ridiculous beauty ideals and other energy consuming and shallow subjects that make up most other blogs.

    Your blog is so relaxing to scroll through.

    I admire your drawing skills and your style very much!
    You are also a killer photographer.
    Your blog is beautifully structured and I can tell that you put a lot of effort into every post. Good things come to those who work!

    One thing that you could improve:
    I would love it if you made a tutorial on how you edit your photos because I suck at Photoshop haha :)

    Oh I almost forgot, I LOVE the mint blue watch. It's purdy.
    My email is

  112. This is such a lovely little giveaway, and it's so exciting that you are in Iceland right now! I'm too jealous. What I love about your blog is how incredibly emotional the photographs are- there is so much depth and detail in all of your shots!

    Xo, Hannah

  113. Hi!

    Mint blue watch is my favourite. Coffee cups are absolutely fantastic (I love coffee and blogs :D).

    And I have to say that I love everything in your blog. You're so talented!

    My e-mail address is

  114. Sinu blogi postitusi ootan alati suure huviga. Või ehk pigem imetlusega? Sest reaalselt ma võin tükk aega neid pilte imetleda. Need on alati lihtsalt nii mõnusates pastelsetes toonides ja lisaks ei saa ju kuidagi mainimata jätta, et sa alati kohe suudad selle perfektse valguse üles leida. Ja veel mitte ainult su fotod ei ole imelised, aga ka su illustratsioonid ja maalis, neid vaadates tuleb alati ilmselt pisike kadeuseuss siise, et miks mina ometi nii hästi ei oska :D Nii, et suu tõid imetlesk siin hea meelega veel tihedamini :) Ja ja veel, sa oskad hästi kirjutada. Tekst alati lihtsalt nii armas ja südantsoojendav :) ja helekollane kell oleks ideaalne :)

  115. nii vinged kellad, minu lemmikuks on must, ja need tassid- ooh!

    ma olen sinu blogi jälginud u 2,5 aastat ja ma ei suuda meenutada postitust/juttu/fotot/illustratsiooni, mis mulle meeldinud ei oleks. ma naudin sinu pilte ja kirjajupikesi ühe palju, sest mõlemasse paned sa palju armsust sisse. imetore on lugeda südantsoojendavaid sõnavalikuid, mis teevad meele rõõmsaks nagu pajutibud kevadel. soovin sulle palju jaksu ja rõõmsat meelt seal kaugel viikingitemaal! ole pai!

    Kai Liis

  116. Valge on minu lemmik!! Kas neid tasse on võimalik kuskilt osta ka? Niii lahedad näevad välja :):)

    Elo Kumel

  117. Email:
    Color: You pick! :)

    I see your blog for first time. YOU are so beautiful! :) I no comment,everything is CUTE! :) Best wishes!

  118. Olen Sinu kodusoojust täis virtuaalpäevikut jälginud alates selle sünnist, jäänud tema juurde ta beebiaastatel ning nüüdseks käinud maha pika tee hiirepoisi kõrval. Tänaseks olen aru saanud, et mitte ainuüksi sinu kõige värvikirevamad fotod ei ole põhjus, miks ma alati just Siia tagasi pöördun, justkui ootaks mind siin ees keegi, vaid ka väga ilus kõnepruuk, mida lugedes suunurgad päikese poole kaarduvad! Hoian kõiki oma pöidlaid ja varbaid, et Islandil läheks kõik ootustepäraselt!

    Minu alatine lemmik, valge käekell, on tee leidnud minu pisikesse südamesse!

    Merili Kraus

  119. Lisa Zuchowski
    Colour: Black

    I really like your photos and the fact that you have inspire me to write my own blog regulary and bilingual. I'm so thankful for that.

  120. email:
    Colour: Black or White

    I love your blog and photos!
    From Russia with love*)

  121. Hey!

    The things I love about your blog are your wonderful photography, all your images are wonderfully atmospheric and inspirational.You have a way of capturing simple subject matter in an incredibly artistic way. Any of your images could be printed off, framed and hang on a wall. I also love your personal style and outfits, even though it differs from my own it is still very inspirational and aesthetically pleasing. Oh and your hair is fabulous, I'm quite jealous of it actually. I also very much enjoy whenever you post anything about your own art.

    The downside is the frequency at which you post sometimes, I love your posts and I wish you posted more often! I also wish you would share more of your own work,I've seen many graphics but I would love to see other things as well, even sketches or your thought process etc.

    That's all haha, the giveaway is great :) my favourite is the black watch.

    E-mail address:

  122. Hey, my name is Beata

    I really like the black one.

    And I really like your blog, I'm checking your posts since I think 2010... Great :) :*

  123. Nüüdseks olen Sinu blogi jälginud juba päris pikka aega ja samas ka mitu korda kõik vanad postitused uuesti läbi vaadanud. Mulle meeldib see mõnus soojus, mida Su blogist õhkub ja pildid on ka alati kõik nii ilusad ja harmoonilised. Kuna minagi olen Tartust pärit (kusjuures Variku linnaosast) ja sellest sügisest alates olen õnnelik moedisaini I kursuse tudeg, siis nüüd on kuidagi eriti põnev lugeda vanemaid postitusi kooli kohta ja enda praeguse eluga paralleele tõmmata. Mõned pildid ja postitused, näiteks ühed mõnusad talvised Balti jaama pildid, tekitavad erilist soojust ja äratundmisrõõmu, et varsti on nädalavahetus ja saab jälle rongiga armsa Tartu poole suunduda.

    Email on ja kõik kellad on ilusad, aga eriti sümpaatne on see kreemikas-kollane :)

  124. Kerti, Your blog is amazing. I just don't like the ADs. Because it makes a little mess at the sidebar. You could use a script that shows neatly ads. Like this script of partnership:

    Facebook: Thaissa Gama
    color: white

  125. A kiss from an Italian in the USA. Hope one day to visit your beautiful country.

    Would you like to check my blog?

    Color: whatever, they are all amazing.


  126. Sul on väga armas blogi, ise oled veel armsam ja uskumatu kui palju viitsid ühe postituse nimel vaeva näha. Lisaks on väga tore, et alati teed oma viitamised korralikult ja jagad ka teistega oma häid leide (juuksepastellid nt).
    Oma tuntava ja kindla stiiliga teed selle blogi veelgi paremaks, see on kindlasti ka põhjus miks see siin püsib ja ka järjest populaarsust kogub :)

    Jagasin ja meeldib ka, e-mail on ja eriti ilus paistab see mündi toonis kell.

  127. Hello!

    I love your blog. You take the most beautiful pictures and give me a lot of inspiration! I speak Finnish and it's fun to try to understand your writing in Estonian. :D

    I can't decide between the white and the turquoise watch, they are both gorgeous!

    FB: Ella Levón
    color: white or turquoise

  128. i've been following your blog since i was 16 and i turn 20 in a month, and honestly your blog has always been my favorite. you're such an inspiration in everything you do from your photography, to your art, to the way you dress. your blog is absolutely lovey, and i'm always looking forward to you next post. :)
    i think both the white and mint blue watch are very nice

  129. Facebook: jess j

    I am in love with the turquoise watch, its beautiful and turquoise is my favourite colour. But I would be happy with any colour :)

    I love your blog, I look forward to see your outfits and beautiful pictures. Great inspiration.

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  130. Email-
    Valge kell.

    Olen su blogi jälginud juba päris pikka aega ja ma ei oska mitte midagi halba öelda, sest kõik meeldib. Sa kirjutad nii armsalt ja pildid on nii mõnusalt pastellsed ja väga kaunid. Alati vaatan neid imetlusega. Kui näen, et sinu poolt on uus positus tulnud, siis see tõesti on üks esimeste seas, mida loen.

    Küsimus ka, et kust kohast ma saaksin soetada endale neid vingelt armsaid kruuse. Väga tahaks, et need leiaksid tee minu koju :)

    Palju edu ja õnnestumisi Islandil.

  131. Helis Raudik

    Mulle meeldib Sinu blogi siirus ja need värvid on suurepärased. Lausa sellised, ei ei tahagi siit lehelt kunagi lahkuda. Loen aina järjest ja järjest sinu postitusi üha enam ja need panevad mind justkui armastama.
    PS: Ütlen ka väikese patu, et ei jaganud seda postitust facebookis, kuna ma ei toeta neid facebooki jagamisi ja mõni asi võiks siiski jääda vaid blogi "seinte" vahele, mitte ei peaks kõike rikkuma ära facebooki lehega.

    Kõike head sulle!

    1. Haha, ei ole üldse hullu. See facebooki asi mulle ka väga ei istu, aga kuna liiguvad igasugused jutud google friend connect'i sulgemisest ja ma ei tea millest kõigest veel, siis paratamatult tuleb nii öelda ajaga kaasas käia ja kõik lambukesed ikka ühte sooja kohta kokku ajada, et saaks karvapallidel ikka silma peal hoida.
      Ja suurimad tänud armste sõnade eest!

  132. I like the black one! :)

    I really love your blog, especially the atmosphere it conveys with your design, your photos etc. It's a little bit like a fairy tale mixed with frozen spring colors. Sounds strange but I cannot describe it in different words. I really love that feel. PLEASE DON'T CHANGE THAT!
    Your photograhy is actually what amazes me the most next to your outfits. You catch things with your camera that are simple but yet filled with beauty that I've never seen before. Just look at the cups! I never thought mugs could be so beautiful. It's so inspiring.

    It would even love your blog without the fashion part. To save a little bit of time you could maybe post some photos without outfits from time to time. And pictures and some Information about your new home would be like SO GREAT! I hardly don't know anything about that. Sad, but true.

    Greetings from a German girl who just moved to the United States! :)

    My Email: Carry1995G(at)web(dot)de

  133. I love your blog!

  134. Email:
    Colour: white
    FB name: Shianne Goh

    I just discovered your blog and it is simply amazing:") i have never followed any blogs like this before, but yours has really inspired me to start photography. <3 your pictures are sooo pretty and beautiful! :")

  135. I love your blog and I'd love to have that turquoise watch ! <3


  136. Email address: color preference: black or teal

    I liked on facebook :)

    I like your blog because your photos are fantastic and strangely perfect. Your outfits as well as the setting really sets a perfect mood and I wish I owned everything in your closet. You don't blog often, but it's still one that I check almost daily. Every time I visit I am inspired and wish that I had your perfect bangs! Plus your art is beautiful and I really love that you share that aspect of your life with us.

  137. Raske on otsustada, aga ilmselt must..:)

    Sinu blogi juures meeldivad mullegi fotod, Sinu stiil ja välimus üldiselt, täiesti uskumatu, kui kaunis võib üks tütarlaps olla :) Postitused on alati kuidagi nii vahetud ja siirad... Kõik kokku on lihtsalt suurepärane :)

  138. Aw kerti your outfit is really lovely but the belt doesnt fit at all! :/

  139. Mulle meeldiks valge/kreemikas kell.
    Mulle meeldib su blogi juures su siirus, su ilus kirjakeel, mis paneb alati naeratama (kiisupai jne. :) ). See oli väga hea, et hakkasid eesti keeles ka kirjutama, mäletan veel aegu kui kriblasid ainult inglise keeles, sellepärast imestasin väga, kui lugesin, et sa eestlane oled. Tore, et ka selliseid pärle eestimaal on.
    Aga! mulle meeldivad väga su pildid, alati läbimõeldult ja väga ilusti komponeeritud.
    Ainus asi, mis võiks muutuda, oleks see, et postitusi võiks tihedamini olla. Hea oleks, kui oleks ka näiteks lühipostitusi paari pildiga, (ei pea ainult outfiti pilte tegema) näiteks mida sõid/küpsetasid või mida uut ostsid. Ma kujutan ette, et praegu läheb ühe postituse peale päris kaua aega (piltide töötlemine jne). Aga näha on, et sa teed asju pühendamisega ja läbimõeldult. So keep it up girl! Tubli oled, tervitused Eestimaalt!

  140. new post on

  141. Ma ei ela juba pikemat aega eestis ja ei ole palju eesti blogijaid, keda ma jälgin, aga Sinu blogi ootan ja loen alati nii hea meelega :)

    Päikest ja uute postitusteni!
    Kreeminekollane kell on jumalik.

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