Monday, January 27, 2014

I live in my own little world. But its ok, they know me here.

I'm finally feeling a bit better. Just wanted to thank you all for the lovely comments and words of encouragement. Losing a friend however small or furry is terribly hard. And I know I'm going to be sad for a very long time, but as Stephen Chbosky so nicely wrote down “Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” So I am going to pick myself up and dust myself off. 2013 was an amazing year for me. Not only did it just flew by but I feel like I really challenged myself this year and stepped wa-haaay outside my comfort zone - of which I am very very proud. So here it is past year rolled up into a sugary ball of photographs. Some you've already seen and some you have not. All in all it was a great year - there was a lot of packing and moving, hard work and effort, countless sleepless nights, great success and twice as many failures, profound joy and indescribable sadness. But hey, I did it, and yes, I would like a medal, thank you. :) Anyway I hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think!

Vaikselt hakkangi ennast juba jälle inimesena tundma. Ja tegelikult tahaks üldse teie peanuppudele ühed kiisupaid litsuda ja südamest tänada imearmsate sõnade ja kirjakeste eest. Sõbra kaotus, olgu ta siis ükskõik kui väike või karvane, on väga raske. Ja seda kurbust tunnen ma veel pikka-pikka aega, aga nagu Stephen Chbosky on nii kenasti kirja pannud: “Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.”, siis on aeg nüüd need õnnetud killukesed kokku korjata, end tolmust puhtaks pühkida ja edasi liikuda. Aga enne kui siin suure hooga minema torman, viskaks korra veel pilgu möödunud aastale, mis oli kindlasti üks meeldejäävamaid. Pressisin ennast hammaste kirgisedes oma mugavast pesast välja ja sundisin olukordadesse, mis mõned ajahetked tagasi oleks mind hirmust öökima ajanud. Aga no kurja, mina olen enda üle uhke, sest selgus, et olen üks tubli väike inimene ja ühe medali võtaks ka jah, aitäh! Ja nüüd ongi teie ees see imeline kolmeteistkümnes - kokku pakitud üheks suhkruseks postituseks, mida soovitan nautida ühe mõnusa tassi kohviga. Oli palju kolimist ja veel rohkem pakkimist, metsikult tööd, vaeva, unetuid öid ja pikki päevi, imelisi õnnestumisi ja sama palju ka läbikukkumisi, oli palju rõõmu ja kirjeldamatut kurbust. Loodan, et pildid meeldivad, ja nagu ikka, olge tublid, mu hiirekesed :)

(I used CanonEOS 600D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
(Lace blouse from and the acrylic box bag is also from
Gabrielle Aplin - Home

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So this is where we part, my friend.

My furry little friend passed away on Friday. Rested her soft head on my lap, sniffled her last little sniffles and with a deep breath she was gone. And I just felt such profound sadness - I guess the kind of sadness people write books about or turn into paintings. I hate goodbyes. Hate them more than anything. So I just kissed her nose and said I'll see you soon, because I know our time will come again.

Reedel lahkus minu karvane sõbrake. Peitis oma pehme peanupu mulle sülle, nohises oma viimased nohisemised ja ühe sügava hingetõmbega oligi läinud. Nii suurt kurbust ei oska ma maalida pildiks, ei seada sõnadena ritta. Soovin lihtsalt oma armsale head teed, sest tean, et meie aeg tuleb taas. Kiisupai, mu väike Nona.

Foals - Spanish Sahara